Manufacturing AUTOMATION

Idec PLC programming software provides IoT capability

January 26, 2017
By Manufacturing AUTOMATION

Jan. 26, 2017 – Idec has released Version 8.2.2 of its WindLDR PLC programming software, a PC-based platform used to program IDEC’s FC6A MicroSmart PLC.

The software can also be used to program IDEC’s entire line of PLCs. IoT capability is provided by custom web pages which can be configured for remote monitoring and control. Web pages are created with the built-in Web Page Editor using simple drag and drop functionality with no HTML programming required, notes Idec. When used with the MicroSmart FC6A PLC, these web pages are stored in the PLC, which functions as a web server when its built-in Ethernet port is connected to the Internet. These web pages can be accessed via any web browser running on any Internet-connected device such as a remote PC, a tablet or a smartphone. Once a program is created, it’s ready for transfer to a PLC, with the option to include accompanying comments. Programs can be downloaded with the comments attached to operands and rungs, with this information stored in the PLC processor. Using these comments, users can review programming code to provide clarification and streamlined maintenance.

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