Fluke introduces Ti450 infrared camera with MultiSharp Focus
July 21, 2016
By Manufacturing AUTOMATION
Jul. 21, 2016 – The Fluke Ti450 infrared camera promises to “take focus to a new level of clarity with MultiSharp Focus.”
MultiSharp Focus is a new technology that takes multiple images and combines them to produce one in-focus image, describes the company, adding that an out-of-focus thermal image can give users data that may lead to misdiagnosis and costly rework. The Ti450 includes SuperResolution mode that claims to increase image resolution to 640 x 480, a 2x and 4x digital zoom, and LaserSharp Auto Focus that delivers instant focus on a single target. The wireless Ti450 is part of Fluke Connect — a system of wireless test tools that communicate via the Fluke Connect app, or Fluke Connect Assets software, a Cloud-based solution that gathers measurements on critical equipment status.
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