Humantics buys 5D Robotics and Time Domain
February 28, 2018
By Manufacturing AUTOMATION
Feb. 28, 2018 – Humatics Corporation has purchased 5D Robotics and its subsidiary, Time Domain.
Humatics is developing radio-frequency (RF) sensors that measure the positions of objects in three-dimensional space with “unprecedented, millimetre-scale precision” at up to 30-metre ranges. Its breakthrough Spatial Intelligence Platform captures and calculates 3D positions, indoors and out, explains the company.
Meanwhile, 5D Robotics and Time Domain make RF systems that locate objects with centimetre-scale precision at up to 500-metre ranges. Together, the technologies expand Humatics’ new product category – microlocation – for improved safety, efficiency and productivity and aims to offer products for industrial automation, next-generation construction, autonomous vehicles and smart cities.
“To interact safely and seamlessly with people and their environments, autonomous systems such as drones, vehicles, and robots need to know precisely where they are at all times. GPS lacks the required accuracy, and doesn’t work indoors. Cameras and lasers help, but they rely on data-intensive maps and fail in dusty, rainy, foggy, or snowy conditions. Only RF technologies are able to overcome all these challenges,” said the parties in a joint press statement.
Humatics’ centimetre-scale microlocation sensors and software solutions are shipping today. Millimetre-scale capabilities will be piloted in 2018 and launched in 2019.