Manufacturing AUTOMATION

Top sensors honoured at Sensors Expo and Conference

June 15, 2010
By Manufacturing AUTOMATION

The most exciting new sensor products were recently featured at the Sensors Expo and Conference, which was held in Rosemont, IL from June 8-9, with awards being distributed to those who stood out from the pack.

The gold, silver and bronze awards, along with 12 “honourable mentions”, were issued by Sensors magazine in a variety of categories, including: sensors; sensor components; technologies; and data acquisition products. Exhibitors submitted new product nominations and entries were judged on the basis of potential impact, application, distinctiveness, timeliness, and availability.

Diversified Technical Systems, Inc. (DTS), won the gold award in the data acquisition category for its new 6DX sensor. The DTS 6DX Sensor is designed to meet the needs of emerging test and monitoring applications, and incorporates three linear accelerometers and three angular rate sensors. It’s designed for test and monitoring needs of vehicles but can also serve other high speed, harsh environment applications such as product testing of sports equipment, off-road and construction vehicles, motorcycles, marine, motorsports and aerospace.

Larson Davis took home gold in the sensors category for its VibTrack HAV vibration dosimeter. The new dosimeter takes advantage of recent advances in triaxial sensing technology to produce a self-contained, finger-mounted personal dosimeter for Hand-arm vibration. The miniature logging instrument is designed to measure the vibration from frequent access to vibrating tools, and provides continuous data for over 12 hours of exposure under the most severe conditions. Exposure data gathered can then be easily integrating into a prevention program.


The 2011 Sensor and Expo conference will be held from June 6-8, 2011 in Rosemont, IL.

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