Manufacturing AUTOMATION

The union created by the merger of the CAW and CEP to be called Unifor

May 30, 2013
By The Canadian Press

What will become Canada’s largest private sector union now has a name.

The new group—which brings together the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada and the Canadian Auto Workers—will be called Unifor. Its logo will be a red U on a white shield.

Union brass made the announcement in Toronto, bringing the merger one step closer to completion.

The CEP and CAW voted last year to join forces, a move they hope will boost the national labour movement.

The new union would represent more than 300,000 workers across roughly 20 sectors of the economy.

Most of the membership would be concentrated in manufacturing, communications and transportation. But the new union would also represent some public sector employees working in health, education and transit roles.

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