Manufacturing AUTOMATION

CME unveils action plan for Alberta’s manufacturing industry

December 2, 2013
By Manufacturing AUTOMATION

Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME) has released a made-in-Alberta plan of action to keep the province’s manufacturing industry strong.

According to CME, the province has more than 140,000 employed in the sector, with wages 10 per cent higher than the provincial average, and nearly $75 billion in annual sales, 8.5 per cent of provincial GDP, 25 per cent of all exports, and the largest economic multiplier of any industry — $3.15 for every dollar in total output.

The five-point plan outlines the key priorities and 26 recommendations to strengthen manufacturing in the province by the year 2020.

“CME has identified five main goals that will help Alberta manufacturers become world leaders,” Mathew Wilson, CME vice-president of national policy, said in a statement on the organization’s website. “Enhancing the image of manufacturing, supporting investment and innovation, increasing the quality and quantity of the labour pool, creating a globally competitive business environment and expand value-added and international business opportunities are what is needed.”

The overall goal of the plan, according to CME, is to work with companies, governments and other supporting networks to double manufacturing output to $150 billion and increase exports by 50 per cent to $36 billion over the next seven years.

“Other jurisdictions are moving aggressively to attract investment, grow their value-added manufacturing base, and create high-paying jobs,” added Wilson. “Most Canadian provinces and U.S. states have created more favourable tax and investment policies supporting investment and innovation.”

To download a copy of the plan, click here.

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