Manufacturing AUTOMATION

ABB debuts new version of distributed control system

July 2, 2021
By Manufacturing AUTOMATION

ABB Ability System 800xA-6.1.1. Photo: ABB

ABB has released the latest version of its distributed control system, ABB Ability System 800xA 6.1.1.

ABB Ability System 800xA 6.1.1’s new features including simplified, faster commissioning of greenfield projects and brownfield expansions with a new and improved Ethernet I/O Field Kit, now with xStream Commissioning.

This allows users to configure and test I/O in the field without the need for the control application software or process controller hardware, all from a single laptop. This means field I&C technicians can simultaneously perform automated loop checks of multiple smart devices, documenting all final results.

With the 800xA Publisher system extension, users can securely and easily choose which data to stream to ABB Ability Genix Industrial Analytics and AI Suite, both on the edge or in the cloud.


I/O cabinet standardization reduces the effects of late changes and keeps the footprint to a minimum. To lessen the amount of ancillary hardware that needs to be added to I/O cabinetry, the Select I/O now includes Ethernet adapters with native single-mode fiber-optic connectivity and individual signal conditioning modules with built-in intrinsi­cally safe barriers.

This latest version of ABB’s DCS flagship has many additional extended capabilities, including increased OPC UA connectivity options which in turn facilitate IT/OT convergence. A range of OPC UA communication levels, such as an OPC UA client and server at the system level, are made available.

The further addition of OPC UA connectivity into the AC 800M controller, and more OPC UA features in the 800xA History mean that the ABB Ability System 800xA 6.1.1 increases secure collaboration between systems and applications.

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