Manufacturing AUTOMATION

NGen and CME offer discounted training courses for COVID-19 recovery

September 17, 2020
By Manufacturing AUTOMATION

Next Generation Manufacturing Canada (NGen) has announced a partnership with Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME) to provide online training opportunities for Canadian manufacturers at a discount.

Through NGen’s Accelerating Manufacturing Productivity Upskilling Program (AmpUp), manufacturers can access bulk pricing options for CME’s Recovery Online Workshops Series.

The collaboration with CME is the latest in a series of partnerships in which NGen, facilitator of Canada’s Advanced Manufacturing Supercluster, has engaged to expand its training and certification offerings through AmpUp.

CME’s Recovery Online Workshops Series is designed to help Canadian manufacturers improve their operations, their competitiveness and their bottom line, and provide what they need to weather the COVID-19 crisis and beyond.

With three options available, front-line workers, operational staff and leadership all have the opportunity to benefit.

Through AmpUp, NGen is facilitating more discounted training and certification offerings from certified institutions across Canada.

“We are pleased to partner with CME to provide high-quality, accessible training opportunities to all levels of staff across manufacturing organizations,” says Jayson Myers, CEO of NGen.

“CME’s Recovery Online Workshops Series leverages insights from real-world experts and manufacturers that are increasingly relevant and applicable in today’s dynamic operating environment.”

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