Manufacturing AUTOMATION

Workplace Safety North announces award winners

October 25, 2018
By Manufacturing AUTOMATION

Workplace Safety North President’s Award winner for Ontario paper

October 25, 2018 – Each year, Workplace Safety North (WSN) – the provincial health and safety association for mining, forestry, and paper, printing, and converting sectors – recognizes Ontario workplaces with a strong safety culture.

“The President’s Award is our highest provincial health and safety honour, and recognizes exceptional commitment to the prevention of illness and injury, and to continuous improvement in occupational health and safety,” says Paul Andre, WSN president and chief executive officer.

“When organizations make the health and safety of its workers top priority, they show employees, customers, and the community in general, that their values are in the right place. And people want to do business with, and work for, companies with that kind of integrity,” says Andre.

“Congratulations to all winners for your dedication to health and safety. Workplace Safety North is honoured to recognize the time and effort that goes into ensuring workers’ well-being, and creating and maintaining a healthy and safe workplace – well done!”

President’s Award winners for health and safety excellence

  • Paper, printing and converting sector and small business sector: Wellington Produce Packaging, Mount Forest
  • Mining sector: DeBeers Group of Companies, Victor Mine, James Bay Lowlands (90 km west of Attawapiskat)
  • Forestry sector: Brinkman and Associates Reforestation Ltd., Thunder Bay
  • Northern Ontario business: Alex MacIntyre and Associates, Kirkland Lake

Workplace Excellence Award winners

Earlier this year, 24 companies received a Workplace Excellence Award, recognizing workplace excellence in health and safety. In order to qualify for a Workplace Excellence award, companies must complete an assessment of current health and safety programs, note areas for improvement, and develop an action plan to improve their safety performance.

The purpose of the Workplace Excellence (WE) Awards is twofold. First, companies complete an easy-to-follow assessment of their current health and safety programs, which enables them to identify areas for improvement and create an action plan. Second, the program provides external recognition to those companies actively engaged in improving health and safety performance.

All submissions are considered for the President’s Award, and scoring is based on self-assessment as well as statistical performance over the past two calendar years. Top scoring firms were officially presented with the President’s Award at the WSN annual general meeting September in North Bay.

  • Alamos Gold Inc. – Young-Davidson Mine, Matachewan
  • Alex MacIntyre and Associates, Kirkland Lake
  • Brinkman and Associates Reforestation, Thunder Bay
  • Cementation Canada, North Bay
  • DeBeers Group of Companies – Victor Mine, James Bay Lowlands 90 km west of Attawapiskat
  • DMC Mining Services, Vaughan
  • Domtar, Dryden
  • Dumas Contracting, Timmins
  • Fleming’s Trucking and Logging, Hilton Beach
  • Glencore – Sudbury Integrated Nickel Operations, Falconbridge
  • Goldcorp – Porcupine Gold Mines, South Porcupine
  • Goldcorp – Red Lake Gold Mines, Balmertown
  • KGHM – Sudbury Operations, Sudbury
  • Kidd Operations – Glencore Canada, Timmins
  • Kirkland Lake Gold Macassa Mine, Kirkland Lake
  • Lac des Iles Mine, Thunder Bay
  • Nordic Minesteel Technologies, North Bay
  • Redpath Canada, North Bay
  • Resolute Forest Products, Thunder Bay Mill Operations
  • SCR Mining and Tunnelling L.P., Val Caron
  • Tahoe Canada – Lake Shore Gold Corp, Timmins
  • Technica Mining, Lively
  • Wallbridge Mining Company, Lively
  • Wellington Produce Packaging, Mount Forest

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