Manufacturing AUTOMATION

Adhesive and sealant market expected to grow 5% through 2015: report

August 20, 2013
By Manufacturing AUTOMATION

The Adhesive and Sealant Council (ASC) expects the Asia Pacific region total adhesive and sealant demand to grow 5 per cent annually through 2015, reaching 11 billion pounds of wet formulated product. The market currently stands at 9.7 billion pounds of wet formulated product, with an estimated market value of approximately US$13.8 billion.

“The Asia Pacific region data continues to indicate a positive growth curve, with all countries showing positive trends,” said Matthew E. Croson, president of ASC. “In fact, it remains the fastest growing region for adhesives and sealants on a global basis through 2015.”

The 2012-2015 Asia Pacific Market Study for Adhesives and Sealants provides market size breakdowns and an overview for countries within the region highlighting: China, Japan, India, Oceania, South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, and the rest of Asia.

The market study contains 93 pages of 100 Tables and Figures, which provide market data by end use market segment, technologies, and product categories as defined in the Harmonized Definitions for Adhesives and Sealants approved and adopted in 2012 by the Adhesive and Sealant Council (North America), Chinese Adhesive and Tape Industry Association (China) and Federation of European Industries Colles (Glue) and Adhesives (European Union).

Data was obtained by DPNA International from direct interviews with adhesive and sealant manufacturers, industry associations, suppliers to the industry, and end users, in addition to government and financial sources and DPNA’s ongoing updated database.

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