Manufacturing AUTOMATION

Prime Minister Harper talks manufacturing during recent Q&A

March 3, 2014
By Manufacturing AUTOMATION

Prime Minister Stephen Harper recently participated in a Q&A session with members of Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME) to discuss the measures that the government is taking to support manufacturers in Canada and to get their feedback on how the feds can continue to open new markets for Canadian businesses. The session – which took place at Hydroform Solutions in Brampton – was moderated by Jayson Myers, president and CEO of CME, and Jason Langrish, executive director of the Canada Europe Roundtable for Business.

Some of the measures that were highlighted included support for Canadian manufacturers in Economic Action Plan 2014, tax reduction, the elimination of unnecessary regulatory burdens, and the Canada Job Grant. The Prime Minister also highlighted the government’s efforts to increase access to international markets, including through the agreement in principle that was reached with the European Union last October on a comprehensive trade agreement. It is projected that the Canada-EU Trade Agreement will result in a 20 per cent boost in bilateral trade and a $12 billion increase in Canada’s GDP.

“Our government recognizes that Canadian manufacturers are the main economic engine of hundreds of cities and smaller communities across the country,” Harper said. “We recognize the challenges they are facing and have been taking important steps to support the sector and help make it more competitive and productive. That is why we included concrete measures in Economic Action Plan 2014 to support manufacturers, why we have lowered taxes and kept them low, why we are opening international market access like never before, and why we are working to match skills training with employer needs.”


Source: CME

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