Manufacturing AUTOMATION

CAD Society calls for nominations for Annual CAD Society Awards

February 17, 2009
By Alyssa Dalton

DENVER, Colo. – The CAD Society is now accepting nominations of CAD industry developers, pundits and experts for the 2009 CAD Society Industry Awards, which acknowledge the contributions made by individuals who have affected and developed the CAD, engineering, manufacturing and architecture software industries.

Nominations will be accepted via video or in writing, and must be
received by March 3, 2009, for consideration by the CAD Society. E-mail
nominations can be sent to Rachael Taggart at or
Ken Feitz at Video nominations need to be
posted to YouTube with the keywords ‘CAD Society’ and an e-mail link
sent to either Rachael Taggart or Ken Feitz.

Each nomination needs to explain which award category the nominee
should be considered for, and the reasons why this nominee deserves to
be honoured. The categories include the Joe Greco Community Award for
outstanding work in improving communication and developing community
within the CAD industry; the Leadership Award for outstanding technical
and business leadership in the CAD industry; and the Lifetime Award for
a lifetime of outstanding technical and business contributions to the
CAD industry.

Only members of the CAD Society will be allowed to vote on nominations
received. The awards will be presented at COFES (Congress on the Future
of Engineering Software) in April in Scottsdale, Ariz.

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