Manufacturing AUTOMATION

Future of Automation: 2021 Technology Forum

September 1, 2021
By Manufacturing AUTOMATION

Join us online Wed. Sept. 29 at 1 pm ET for the Future of Automation: 2021 Technology Forum!

Automation is no longer simply a “nice to have.” The pandemic has made it clear that manufacturers must implement technology to build resilience and ensure global competitiveness.

Throughout COVID-19, manufacturers have faced an immediate need: to augment their workforce with technology to get the job done. Now, with economic rebound on the horizon, decision-makers are turning their attention to digital transformation plans that employ tools such as modelling, predictive analytics and end-to-end visibility.

Future of Automation is a FREE-to-attend education forum focusing on applications and trends that increase production efficiency, optimize throughput and maximize workforce potential. In a series of presentations, industry-leading technology manufacturers will share information and solutions to help reduce costs, boost profits and secure market position.

Confirmed speakers:

  • Jonathan Wright, Global Managing Partner, Finance & Supply Chain Transformation, IBM
  • Jim Beretta, President, Customer Attraction & The Robot Industry Podcast
  • Jeanine Lassaline-Berglund, President, CAMM & Automate Canada
  • Jonathan Gross, Managing Director, Pemeco Consulting
  • Christy Michalak, Director, Advanced Manufacturing Development Programs, NGen
  • Asghar Rizvi, Vice-President, Factory Automation & Motion Control – Digital Industries
  • Patrick Rowland, Senior Product Manager, Industry Management & Automation, Phoenix Contact
  • Mihaela Vlasea, Co-Director, Multi-Scale Additive Manufacturing Lab, University of Waterloo
  • Atefeh Zarabadi, CEO and co-founder, Artificial Intelligence Imaging Sensors
  • Jonathan Hou, President, Pleora Technologies
  • Ilija Jovanovic, Co-founder, Taiga Robotics
  • Steve Wardell, Director of Imaging at ATS Automation

Can’t make the live event? Register and you will receive links to the recorded sessions!

Register now!

Thanks to our sponsors

A big thank you to our generous gold sponsors Pleora Technologies, Phoenix Contact and Siemens for their support in making this event possible.

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