Manufacturing AUTOMATION

Ontario opens new O-AMP funding round for auto parts companies

August 18, 2020
By Manufacturing AUTOMATION

The Ontario government is launching the next round of applications for the Ontario Automotive Modernization Program (O-AMP).

The $10-million O-AMP provides auto parts companies with funding to invest in new technologies and support innovation in Ontario’s automotive supply chains.

The announcement was made today by Vic Fedeli, minister of economic development, job creation and trade while leading an online delegation of 10 Ontario connected and autonomous vehicle (C/AV) companies to TU-Automotive Detroit, one of the world’s largest events dedicated to connected vehicle technologies.

The Ontario delegation is showcasing the province’s work in areas such as artificial intelligence, sensors and imaging, cybersecurity, data analytics, the Internet of Things and smart infrastructure.

“Ontario is uniquely positioned to lead the development of the next generation of vehicles when you consider that we have North America’s second-largest IT cluster and are the continent’s number two auto producer,” said Fedeli.

“With more than 250 companies and organizations active in the development of connected and autonomous vehicle technologies, many of the world’s leading companies are developing the transportation solutions of the future right here in our province.”

GM, Ford, BlackBerry QNX, Uber and Renesas have invested over $1 billion in the development of connected and autonomous vehicle technologies in Ontario.

Ontario’s Autonomous Vehicle Innovation Network (AVIN) connects the province’s automotive and technology sectors, post-secondary institutions, talent and regional infrastructure to support entrepreneurship and create jobs.

O-AMP supports manufacturing technology adoption and/or adoption of lean manufacturing processes. Small- or medium-sized Ontario-based business in the automotive supply chain are eligible for O-AMP.

Funding covers up to 50 per cent of eligible project costs up to $100,000, with recipient companies contributing the remainder through their own resources.

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