Manufacturing AUTOMATION

SoftwareReviews names 2022’s best robotic process automation software

April 12, 2022
By Manufacturing AUTOMATION

SoftwareReviews recently published its Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Emotional Footprint. It identified four providers as champions in this space.

RPA is a low-code implementation that follows prescribed rules to carry out repetitive and well-defined business processes. These software solutions interact with data sources, either structured or unstructured, through application user interfaces. RPA bots perform queries, calculations, transaction reconciliation and transcription issue exception notifications.

“RPA is a great way to introduce automation without the headaches of traditional technologies,” says senior research analyst Andrew Kum-Seun. “Enhancements in low-code and no-code, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and digitization capabilities (e.g., optical character recognition) have extended RPA accessibility into the business and made it an enabler of digital transformation beyond script-based automation.”

The Net Emotional Footprint (NEF) of each software provider aggregates emotional response ratings across the areas of service, negotiation, product impact, conflict resolution, strategy, and innovation. The NEF is a powerful indicator of overall user sentiment toward the provider and its product from the software user’s point of view.

The Robotic Process Automation software champions for 2022, as per SoftwareReviews, are

  • UiPath (+97 NEF) has excelled in helping clients with strategy and innovation with its process automation.
  • Automation Anywhere (+93 NEF) has been recognized for creating business value by saving time for its clients.
  • Blue Prism (+91 NEF) is loved by clients for overdelivering on services.
  • Automate (+88 NEF) has been appreciated by its clients for enabling productivity and creating a huge product impact.

All the four software named champions have manufacturing applications.

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