Manufacturing AUTOMATION

Universal Robots debuts cobot certifications as part of new education program

November 23, 2020
By Manufacturing AUTOMATION

Universal Robots has launched the first industry-recognized collaborative robot certifications as part of the new Universal Robots Program for Education.

The company announced the new education offering, backed by IACET accreditation, at its Cobot Expo 2.0, held online November 16 and 17, 2020. The Cobot Expo 2.0 featured 19 exhibiting partners, live “on-demand” demos, and 15 keynote presentations.

“With the education program, we’re addressing a tremendous need to provide cobot training as part of an integrated course,” says Joe Campbell, senior manager of applications development at Universal Robots (UR).

“This hands-on learning initiative will be instrumental in addressing the skills gap and get state-of-the art cobots into classrooms, offering students instant employability and manufacturers access to an upskilled workforce.”

The Universal Robots education program package. Photo: Universal Robots

The program provides a pathway for students to master cobot programming and deployment as part of an Industry 4.0 career in robotics and advanced manufacturing.

Schools can now purchase the ready-to-go package that includes the complete curriculum, a UR cobot arm, and the hardware and software required to build actual industrial applications.

This includes a gripper demo kit, a conveyor assembly including conveyor, encoder, two sensors and I/O simulation test box, 10 3D-printed training elements for exercises, one 3D-printed dual TCP and six 3D-printed workpieces.

For institutions that already have cobots, a retro package is available with course curricula, classroom support hardware and software.

The 32-hour course has been developed with assistance from Ritch Ramey, coordinator of RAMTEC (The Robotics and Advanced Manufacturing Technology Education Collaborative), who oversees robotics training at the 24 Tri-Rivers career centre in Ohio.

“Being able to offer a complete, turn-key training program with an industry-recognized credential gives schools increased access to both private grants and government funding when bringing cobots into classrooms,” he says.

“It will make all the difference in the acceleration of student access to a real industrial robot that is both safe to operate in a classroom and easy to use.”

Upon completion of the course work, a student receives 32 course credit hours and a Universal Robots industry-recognized certification. The course can be taught in high schools, dual enrollment courses, and in post-secondary institutions.

To receive IACET accreditation, the recipient demonstrates commitment to continuing education and training excellence in a review process involving extensive hands-on evaluation and verification with policies and processes thoroughly benchmarked against the ANSI/IACET Standard for continuing education and training.

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