Manufacturing AUTOMATION

Linear slide and motor assembly

June 19, 2009
By André Voshart

HaydonKerk Motion Solutions offers the MotoRGS motorized linear slide assembly. The MotoRGS incorporates the Kerk Rapid Guide Screw linear slide and the Haydon size 17 hybrid stepper motor providing a single solution.

The compact Haydon size 17 stepper motor has a high torque-to-size ratio, the company says, and features optional flying leads or an integrated connector. It’s also available in both a single stack and double stack variety depending on performance needs. Additionally, Kerk RGS linear slides feature standard wear-compensating, anti-backlash driven carriages to insure repeatable and accurate positioning. All moving surfaces include Kerkite high performance polymers running on either Kerkote or Black Ice TFE coatings, providing a strong, stable platform for a variety of linear motion applications.

Applications for the MotoRGS include material transport for packaging and assembly, sample delivery for life science, compact syringe drive dispensing, slicing, cutting, and various other applications.


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