Manufacturing AUTOMATION

Top 10 Under 40 2023: Meet Mike Fisher, solution architecture manager for Americas at Belden

August 21, 2023
By Sukanya Ray Ghosh

Manufacturing AUTOMATION’s second annual Top 10 Under 40 highlights the next generation of leaders who have demonstrated exemplary work ethic. They are leading the charge in their workspaces and inspiring their peers with their commitment to innovation.

This year, the winners share what they enjoy the most about working in the automation space, what plans they have for their future and suggestions on getting more people into this industry.

To highlight the achievements of each individual selected for the Top 10 Under 40 list, Manufacturing AUTOMATION will feature one of 2023’s winners every week for the next 10 weeks.

This week, we introduce Mike Fisher, solution architecture manager for Americas at Belden. Fisher shares what fuels his drive to make a mark in this industry.


Manufacturing AUTOMATION: What do you enjoy the most about working in the manufacturing and automation space?

Mike Fisher: Industrial automation really is like nothing else. There are real-world problems and the solutions to them can have a measurable impact. The blend of vintage systems and modern technologies means that there are usually multiple paths to success. The rapid pace of innovation allows us to be creative without undermining the significant achievements that brought us here. While people often talk about how great the cutting edge of technology can be, it’s when you mix reality into the situation that you start to see where risk-taking and innovation can push the boundaries of what’s possible. Not that the point is to suffer through the heartache and failed promises of emerging technologies, but to discover where pushing limits can take us and to accomplish great things.

MA: What are your future plans within the industry?

MF: Long gone are the days when problems were solved by brute force and collective willpower alone. Even in areas with a seemingly limitless labour supply, people are recognizing the benefits of seeking alternative approaches and tackling problems with a solutions mindset. Helping people get to the root of their issues, develop solutions that take into account the needs of their business, and getting those solutions successfully deployed … each part is rewarding, but being able to see it end-to-end and then getting to help another group of people on their journey is something I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of.

MA: How can this industry encourage more people to join and pursue successful careers here?

MF: To make sure that more people can find successful and rewarding careers in the industrial world, it’s important to remember that helping others doesn’t have to be selfless. Being a mentor, or a coach, or even just a good teammate can be rewarding. Newcomers to the industrial world are often incredibly bright, and with the right support they can produce amazing results. We shouldn’t shy away from spending a little extra time with them. Rather, we should embrace it. It may take some effort to get them up to speed but they aren’t the only ones that benefit from it.

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