Manufacturing AUTOMATION

“Future of Automation: 2023 Technology Forum” airs live on September 20!

August 16, 2023
By Sukanya Ray Ghosh

Join Manufacturing AUTOMATION online on September 20 at 1 pm ET for our annual virtual “Future of Automation” event.

Creating intelligent manufacturing systems with the advanced technologies and solutions of today and tomorrow is key to staying competitive in this ever-changing market. Today’s manufacturers are looking for custom automation solutions to optimize processes, manage risks, predict outcomes and plan for a smart future.

The Future of Automation: 2023 Technology Forum focuses on tools, technologies and applications that will help manufacturers future-proof their facilities and businesses.

Advanced data processing capabilities, machine learning, artificial intelligence, cloud and edge technologies, collaborative automation and intelligent robotics are some of the many automation solutions allowing manufacturers to adopt a proactive approach to the management of equipment, processes, product and factories.

In a series of presentations, industry-leading technology manufacturers will share the different automation options available to manufacturers for a strong and secure future.


On the agenda:

  • Intelligent manufacturing – Building resilience with proactive automation – The days of taking a reactive approach to automation are gone. Proactively assessing processes and embarking on a digital transformation journey can make the difference between business-as-usual and successful growth. With the plethora of automation technologies and solutions available, manufacturers can select the options that fit the best to improve efficiencies and drive growth in their facilities.
  • Importance of interoperability for the future of automation – The manufacturing industry in Canada has already begun its digital transformation journey, with more players implementing some kind of automation solution in their facilities. With so many options from so many technology providers, should manufacturers be restricted to work with a select few companies? A panel of industry experts will discuss how interoperability could influence the future of automation.
  • Artificial intelligence – Everywhere, all together and all at once – Predictive analysis of plant processes has become very important today, especially in the context of securing the manufacturing supply chain and ensuring that all systems and processes are functioning efficiently. The value in using artificial intelligence (AI) to make sense of all the data generated at manufacturing facilities is immense. Our expert speaker will discuss how AI will impact the manufacturing space in Canada going forward.
  • Custom automation solutions for all manufacturers – Manufacturers today are looking for automation solutions that fit well with their processes rather than selecting specific automation products. Robots are becoming more accessible. Technology providers are working on making automation implementation processes simpler every day. Our panelists will discuss how Canadian manufacturers of all sizes can benefit from more targeted custom automation solutions.


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